Boletín 125 - Madrid te abraza, Chueca and Mario Alcalde.
+ Madrid trip snaps, tier 2/3 vocabulary and a grammar search.
Tapas tours, flamenco workshops, churros, photographing street signs, guided tours, Gran Vía, Picasso, Velázquez, Plaza Mayor, language schools, mouth-watering croquetas, one touch one bounce in Puerta del Sol, Retiro park, 20,000+ step days and fun-filled evenings. A snippet of the first trip I’ve led on to Madrid.
Edition 125 of Boletín.
Mini-Madrid trip gallery
Tier 2 & 3 vocabulary, grammar search
GCSE grammar workbook update.
👋Welcome to Boletín, an English-language newsletter covering historical, cultural & topical stories related to the A Level Spanish course. These newsletters accompany a student worksheet which can be freely downloaded here.
📌Edition 125
Welcome back to Boletín! The last four to five months have been slow, there’s no getting away from it. All of my frees at school and a lot of my free time at home were focused on running a trip to Madrid - no half-term for me! To make it worse I’ve been solidly working on a second edition of my GCSE grammar workbook which is now out and the keyboard on my laptop is broken. Typing is taking an age.
That said, I’m delighted that after an action-packed week of tapas tours, flamenco workshops, churros, shopping, taking photos of street signs, guided tours, Gran Vía, Picasso, Velázquez, Plaza Mayor, language schools, mouth-watering croquetas, one touch one bounce in Puerta del Sol, Retiro park, 20,000+ step days and fun-filled evenings, we’re all back safe and missing Madrid. It was an intense week! I can 100% reccommend Diverse School Travel (I’ve linked them as some have asked me who I booked through).
A self-imposed side-quest whilst in Madrid included breaking away from the group every 100 metres to take a photo of hastly scrawled notes such as cuidado con el escalón or busco piso as well as actual street signs. I’m very happy with the result which is a resource bringing together 60 of the best on one A3 page with comprehension questions about each one. It made for a really nice post-Madrid trip lesson with everybody who went on the trip, it was arguablly even more impactful for those who didn’t go as well!
📸A little Madrid trip gallery

This week’s Boletín is an interesting one which loosely covers a few A Level Spanish sub-themes:
Machismo y feminismo.
Discrimination and diversity.
Artistic culture.
Traditional and modern values.
If it’s okay with you all, this week’s newsletter will simply include the list of grammar items to find within the three texts and a link to the student worksheet. I need to find my feet again with regularly posting and hitting send on this will be a step in the right direction as I know I’ve been neglecting Boletín.
✒️The three texts.
Madrid te abraza.1
Turismo del Ayuntamiento de Madrid ha puesto en marcha una campaña de promoción en varias ciudades españolas y europeas para difundir la imagen de la capital española como la “ciudad del abrazo” y dar a conocer una de las principales señas de identidad de los madrileños, su hospitalidad. Con el nuevo icono gráfico como protagonista y un mensaje principal “Madrid te abraza”, esta campaña pretende llamar la atención sobre el particular estilo de vida de la ciudad y sus atractivos turísticos y culturales, invitando a descubrir Madrid y disfrutar de su espíritu más entrañable, sociable y humano.
Mario Alcalde.2
Mario Alcalde es un torero diferente. El madrileño de 31 años, natural de Alameda de Osuna, ha contado en una entrevista en el periódico ‘El Mundo’ que es pansexual, lo que significa que es el primer matador de toros en contar públicamente que no es heterosexual. “Soy un torero que va un poquito más a su aire. Mis gustos no son normales en el toreo”, reconoce. Sus pensamientos son “diferentes” al de sus compañeros de profesión, “tanto política como sexualmente. Soy pansexual. Me siento muy identificado con la bandera LGTBI. Es que cada uno tiene sus gustos. Me enamoro del interior, no me importa el género”.
Chueca es el ombligo de las fiestas del Orgullo LGTBIQ en España. El barrio madrileño, aledaño a la Gran Vía, era en los años del franquismo y en los inicios de los 80 una zona de chaperos, carteristas y camellos. Los alquileres eran muy baratos y muchos homosexuales, trans y otros discriminados por vivir fuera del molde, se refugiaron en el lugar donde vivían los nadies y los ningunos. Hoy, Chueca es uno de los barrios más caros de Madrid, con un vecindario tolerante y alternativo. El año 1989 marcó el salto del barrio de calles sucias y mal alumbradas a ser el eje central de las celebraciones del día del Orgullo.
🗝️Tier 2/3 vocabulary.
Poner en marchar (vb) - to start up or launch.
Difundir (vb) - to spread.
Un abrazo (nms) - hug.
Dar a conocer (vb) - to publicise, to make public.
Una seña (nfs) - sign, mark.
Entrañable (adj) - moving, touching, endearing.
Ir a su aire (vb phrase) - to do your own thing.
Ombligo (nms) - belly button or centre, nucleus, hub
Aledaño (adj) - adjoining, neighbouring.
🔍Grammar items to look out for.
The present perfect.
Para where in order to can be used
Short-form possessive adjectives (my, your, his/her etc)
The preterite tense.
Reflexive verbs.
The imperfect tense
📁Recent resources.
The big one is a revamp of the grammar workbook with news pages added covering the full paradigm of main irregular verbs in the present, past and future. There’s also new pages on ser, estar, adjectives formed from past participles, adjectival agreement, the present subjunctive and lots more small changes to make the workbook more user-friendly. If you previously bought the 1st release on TES in Summer 2023 then you can re-download the latest edition for free. If you bought it via the buymeacoffee link then email me proof and I will gladly send you the updated version for free!
The Boletín student worksheet can be download, as ever, over on TES.
Thanks for reading and subscribing, sorry for tailing off a bit recently.
"Madrid te abraza", campaña para poner en valor la hospitalidad de los madrileños - Los Angeles Times (
Quién es Mario Alcalde, el primer torero que sale del armario: “Soy pansexual” - Tikitakas
Día del Orgullo LGTBI+ 2023: ¿Por qué Chueca es su barrio? (